
Water Services Division (WSD)

The Water Services Division is a section of the Office of the People’s Counsel, the public advocate for District utility ratepayers. The Water Services Division is the advocate for DC Water’s consumers. OPC’s reputation as a premier consumer services advocate working with energy and local telephone utilities led to the DC Council assigning OPC the authority and responsibility to assist DC water consumers. OPC’s WSD assists with consumer complaints and the legal role of representing the interest of water consumers before the DC Water Board in matters of rates and service.

OPC works on behalf of the consumer to negotiate customer complaints about billing, service quality and other issues that may arise between the consumer and DC Water. OPC’s assistance to water consumers is free of charge.

The Office of the People’s Counsel shares the contact information below to help consumers reach the appropriate offices when working to resolve a question or dispute about utility service.

OPC provides a range of free services to utility consumers, including helping consumers learn how to get the greatest value for their utility service dollar.

In cases involving a complaint you are advised to first contact the utility to try to resolve the issue on your own. If you are not satisfied with the resolution offered, or feel you need more information to make a decision, contact OPC at (202) 727-3071 or info@opc-dc.gov. An OPC consumer complaint specialist can work with you to help resolve your individual consumer complaint, advise you of your rights, or if needed, refer your case for further investigation.

You may file a complaint related to your Pepco, Washington Gas, or Verizon service directly with OPC online: File a Complaint.

Contact Information

Main Office:

  • 1385 Canal Street, SE
    Washington, DC 20003
    8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

By Telephone:

  • 202-787-2000
  • 202-787-2333 (Fax)


Things You Need to Know


  • Consumers must contest the bill in WRITING within 20-calendar days from the bill issued date.
    • The bill must identify when a consumer must challenge the bill.
    • If the consumer does not challenge the bill within 20-calendar days, the consumer surrenders the right to challenge the bill.
    • If a consumer contacts DC Water in any manner other than in writing, DC Water representatives shall inform the customer of the requirement that a challenge to a residential customer’s bill must be made in writing and received within 20 calendar days of the bill issued date.
    • If a customer’s challenge to a bill is timely or within the 20 days allowed, DC Water shall suspend the customer’s obligation to pay the disputed bill until the customer has received the result of the DC Water investigation of the challenge in writing.
    • With every formal challenge of the bill DC Water must provide a Bill Investigation Report (BIR) informing the consumer of DC Water’s findings. If the consumer disagrees with the billing investigation report, the consumer has the right to an appeals process that’s facilitated by petitioning for an administrative hearing with DC Water.
  • Administrative Hearing
    • Consumers must file a petition within 15-calendar days in writing from BIR issue date.
    • All petitions for administrative hearings must be filed with DC Water in writing via the mail or DC Water’s website.
    • During the appeals process, there will be no penalty or service disconnections for non-payment for the bill until the appeal has been considered and the consumer is notified in writing of the results of the appeal and a new date for payment.
    • The consumer will have the right to represent himself or herself or be represented by an attorney.


BEWARE: Actual vs. Estimated Billing

  • Actual: DC Water bills a consumer based on an accurate read from the installed water meter measuring the actual water usage.
  • Estimated: DC Water bills consumer based on a rough calculation of usage when accurate meter read is unavailable DC Water is required to read the customer’s meter at least every four months.
  • If DC Water, cannot read a consumer’s meter, they will continue to estimate the bill.
  • A customer may also submit photographic evidence of current meter reading to obtain an invoice based on an actual meter reading.
  • DC Water may be unable to collect an accurate meter read if at any time, a meter, data collection device, or transmitter fails to register correctly as a result of tampering.
  • DC Water consumers need to know when they should challenge their bill, understand their bill, and how to maintain service to stay ahead of any potential water-related issues.Updates to the Process for Challenging a DC Water Bill


  • Consumers should pay their water bill on time and in full payment by the due date.
  • A partial payment is better than not paying the amount owed.
  • Payment assistance and arrangement are available for special circumstances.


  • If a consumer receives a pending disconnection notice from DC Water, please contact OPC’s Water Services Division. A WSD representative will discuss with the consumer how to prevent disconnection by:
  • Making a payment plan.
  • Seeking Utility Payment Assistance.

* During the Public Health Emergency and 15 days thereafter, DC Water cannot disconnect your service.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance, please contact the Office of the People’s Counsel at 202-727-3071 or WaterInfo@opc-dc.gov.

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