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The OPC Connection- May 2024

 May Newsletter 2024  Sticker Shock Watch, On the Lookout for Lead, Videos of Note & More in the May OPC Connection!  

The OPC Connection-April 2024

April Newsletter 2024 Saving the Planet, Setting the Record Straight on Pepco Rates, Thinking About Solar & More in the April OPC Connection!

The OPC Connection-March 2024

March 2024 Newsletter Just Environmental Justice, Paying for Water Bills, Four More Years & More in the March OPC Connection!


February Newsletter 2024 Let Your Voice Be Heard, Roll the Videotape, Over Performing & More in the February OPC Connection!


Good News About Bad Billing, Environmental Justice in Anacostia, Go Green and Get Money & More in the January OPC Connection! January Newsletter 2024

The OPC CONNECTION-December 2023

Looking Out for Scams, Leading the Lead Fight, Fighting for Fair Rates, and More in the December OPC Connection! December 2023

The OPC CONNECTION – November 2023

A $152k Success Story, A Way to Protect Your Pipes, A Show of Appreciation, and More in the November OPC Connection!

The OPC CONNECTION – October 2023

Flushing Money Down the Toilet, Gas Leaking, Benning Road Revisiting, and More in the October OPC Connection!

The OPC CONNECTION – September 2023

Following the Money, Celebrating & Saving Energy, Tracking Water Bills, and More in the September OPC Connection!

The OPC CONNECTION – August 2023

Complaints a Plenty, Rate Hikes on the Table, Making Water Waves, and More in the August OPC Connection!

The OPC CONNECTION – July 2023

OPC Gets Big Consumer Win, Let's Get Fired up & Ready to Go Electric, Ready to Get in the Water, and More in the July OPC Connection!

The OPC CONNECTION – June 2023

Electric Rates Rising, Sacred Solar for All, Big Consumer Payback, and More in the June OPC Connection!


Delving into disconnections, Keeping the Climate Conversation Going, Getting Onboard the "Green Train" and more in the May edition of OPC Connection.

The OPC CONNECTION – April 2023

Pepco Rate Hike Update, Climate Rally Ready, What's Up with Water?, and more in the April edition of the OPC Connection!

The OPC CONNECTION – March 2023

A Note from Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye: Our Planet, Our Future; OPC Successfully Challenges Unproven Gas Leak Technology; OPC Questions PSC Decision in Washington Gas Rate Hike Case; Tips on DC Government  Savings Programs for Energy & Home Expenses.

The OPC CONNECTION – February 2023

A Note from Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye: Preparing Today for a Better Energy Future; Permission Granted! Going Solar in DC; Observing Black History Month; The Water Connection: How America's 1st Black Boating Club Made History on the Water.

The OPC CONNECTION – January 2023

A Note from ​Your People’s Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye. OPC Hosts Community Meeting to Address Concerns about Verizon’s Phone Transition; All the Talk about the Health Effects of Gas Stoves; How to Take Advantage of Federal Tax Breaks for Clean Energy Upgrades.

The OPC CONNECTION – December 2022

A Note from ​Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye. Let's Expand Solar in a Just and Equitable Way OPC is a strong advocate of expanding solar power in the District as an option for consumers to consider to lower their electric bills and help meet the city’s clean energy goals.

The OPC CONNECTION – November 2022

A Note from Your People’s Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye. OPC Advocates for Justice for Consumers with WGL's Move to Raise Rates. In the District of Columbia, regulated utilities like Washington Gas Light (WGL) must seek permission from the DC Public Service Commission (PSC) to increase their rates or change their terms...

The OPC CONNECTION – October 2022

A Note from Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye What's New on the OPC Web? OPC uses various vehicles to inform utility consumers about our services and how we carry out our mission to advocate, educate, and protect. They include, sharing information at community meetings, distributing educational materials, and posting on...

The OPC CONNECTION – September 2022

A Note from Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye From Energy Savings to Green Jobs: Why the Inflation Reduction Act Matters to DC Utility Consumers After tough debates in Congress, the Inflation Reduction Act recently became law. Among other things, the IRA addresses climate change by supporting clean energy measures, lowering...

The OPC CONNECTION – August 2022

A Note from Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye All Hands on Deck to Keep Vital Utilities Running These continue to be trying times for consumers who have not been able to catch up on utility bill debt accumulated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that the pandemic- related moratoriums on service...

The OPC CONNECTION – July, 2022

A Note from Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye Why You Should Care About the Supreme Court’s Climate Step Backwards The Supreme Court recently issued a decision that severely limits the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to address greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)--climate change pollution—from power plants. In West Virginia v. EPA,...

The OPC CONNECTION – June, 2022

A Note from ​​Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye Honoring Shared Passion and Commitment to Consumers As the advocate for DC utility consumers, OPC accomplishes its work with the support of numerous community partners, both individuals and organizations. We cannot achieve our goals without the support of lay advocates who make...

The OPC CONNECTION – May, 2022

A Note from ​​Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye Rate Hike Request at the Top of OPC’s Radar Over the last two years, District of Columbia consumers have seen sharp increases in prices for consumer goods and utility rates. These turbulent economic times have caused many residents and businesses to carefully...

The OPC CONNECTION – April, 2022

A Note from ​​Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye Pepco Construction Leaves Homeowners Shaken OPC Says Level Up Whether it's one complaint or 100, when consumer concerns about a utility's practices come to OPC's attention, we step up to try to find a resolution. Such is the case with homeowners in...

The OPC CONNECTION – March, 2022

A Note from ​​Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye Let's Make Solar Real for All Given the growing importance of solar in the District’s energy landscape, and OPC’s commitment to mitigating the impacts of climate change, it’s critical for OPC to take steps to ensure all consumers across all wards have...

The OPC Connection – February 2022

A Note from ​​Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye Performing for the People Another OPC Performance Oversight Hearing is in the books. On February 23, 2022, at the DC Council Committee on Business and Economic Development, I highlighted OPC’s accomplishments and the tangible benefits we provided to District utility consumers during...

The OPC CONNECTION – January, 2022

A Note from ​​Your People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye OPC Working for You in 2022 There's a famous quote that says: "History repeats itself." Here we are in January 2022 and recalling that in this space a year ago, I wrote: "As January 2021 comes to a close, there is still...