Category: Press Releases & Advisories
OPC Urges PSC to Open Investigation Into WGL’s ProjectPipes Over Gas Leak Safety, Cost and Environmental Concerns
Consumer Alert: The Solar Bill is Bad for Consumers
OPC Wins A Victory for Pepco Customers in Two Major Appeals Court Decisions
OPC Files Testimony with the PSC Opposing Washington Gas Light’s Proposed $53 Million Rate Increase and Calls for Increased Regulatory Oversight of Infrastructure Projects
District Steps Toward Long Term Renewable Energy Goals With 15-Year Power Purchase Commitment
Earth Day 2022, Equity in Electrification for Consumers
DC Government Agencies File Complaint Against Pepco to Seek Relief for Thousands of Solar Program Participants
Moratorium on Utility Disconnections Ends on January 10, 2022
DC People’s Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye to Receive High Honor from National Consumer Advocates Association

The National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) this evening will present the “Robert F. Manifold Lifetime Service Award” to Sandra Mattavous-Frye, People’s Counsel for the District of Columbia, for her “many years of service to utility consumers in Washington, DC.”
The Robert F. Manifold Award is given to “individuals who have demonstrated the highest level of dedication to public service over their career,” said NASUCA Executive Director David Springe in announcing the award. NASUCA’s highest honor, the award is named for Robert F. Manifold, who served as Chief Public Counsel for the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and was a passionate supporter of NASUCA.
“I thank NASUCA’s Executive Committee for choosing me for this award and for recognizing that the service I give to District of Columbia consumers comes from my passionate commitment and insistence that consumers are entitled to safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally sustainable utility services,” said Mattavous-Frye. She further remarked, “the utility industry has undergone sweeping changes during my 30- year tenure and I predict future changes will be equally far-reaching. While we must prepare for shifting paradigms, we must never lose sight of our fundamental obligation to utility consumers.”
“I accept this award with gratitude for my staff at the Office of the People’s Counsel who are daily in the trenches carrying out our mission. As we all faced difficult times during the COVID-19 pandemic, they worked hard to ensure that District residents received the same high level of service OPC delivers during normal times.”
The Manifold Award will be presented at NASUCA’s Virtual Annual Meeting, Monday, November 8, between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm eastern. NASUCA is an association of 55 consumer advocates across the United States and the Caribbean. NASUCA’s members are designated by the laws of their jurisdictions to represent the interests of utility consumers.
Media Contact:
Doxie McCoy
Public Information Officer
(202) 731-9152
OPC Responds to Consumers Reporting Difficulties Contacting WGL Customer Service
Consumer Advisory
Today, in a letter to the DC Public Service Commission Chairman, People’s Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye has asked the Commission to look into and work with OPC as soon as possible to resolve any issues related to consumers' ability to contact WGL Customer Services.
Ms. Mattavous-Fry states, “I am reaching out to you to alert you to a serious and growing issue with Washington Gas Light (WGL). The issue involves consumers being unable to reach a person at WGL to either initiate service or set up a service call to fix the existing gas service. My primary concern is that consumers who are reaching out to WGL to establish payment arrangements to pay off past due bills to avoid disconnection are unable to do so.”
The People’s Counsel also shared that “with the moratorium on utility disconnections soon to be lifted, WGL will have no issue disconnecting service. If consumers are disconnected, WGL is likely to require a large down payment to restore service and establish a payment arrangement. Many consumers will be unable to provide the down payment and will face an upcoming winter heating season without gas service. This will compound issues consumers are dealing with during the pandemic.
OPC is encouraging any District of Columbia consumer who has experienced difficulty reaching WGL Customer Service to contact the Office of the People’s Counsel immediately. OPC is working to construct a record and bring your issues before the Public Service Commission in a timely manner.
File a complaint via on this link. Consumers also can contact OPC at (202) 727-3071 or
OPC Asks PSC to Modify Pepco Rate Case Decision to Reflect Facts in the Record, Correct Legal Errors, and Protect Consumers from Future Harm
Washington, DC -- OPC today asked the DC Public Service Commission to reconsider its order approving a Modified Enhanced Multiyear Rate Plan (EMRP). The Modified EMRP is a significantly different form of establishing rates for electric service. In its filing, OPC outlined several areas where the Commission committed legal errors in approving Pepco's new method of ratemaking. Specifically, the Commission’s approval of the Modified EMRP is not based on facts in the record and does not provide a well-reasoned explanation for its approval. In addition, OPC asked the Commission to clarify its decisions on a number of other matters in this case that were not fully explained. “This order is a setback for the District of Columbia because it approves a new method of ratemaking that provides less regulatory oversight of future rate increases, shifts even more economic risks to consumers, and does nothing to advance the city’s climate agenda,” said People’s Counsel, Sandra Mattavous-Frye. “The order ignores other parties’ positions opposing Pepco’s new ratemaking proposal and gives little to no attention to the near unanimous voice of the community strongly opposing a rate increase in the midst of a global pandemic when many consumers are struggling to regain their financial footing. “This case is a watershed moment in the regulatory landscape of the District of Columbia that will have far reaching negative implications for DC residents. As People’s Counsel, I am disappointed that the Commission chose to advance a corporate agenda over the public interest," said Mattavous-Frye. She urges consumers to contact the Commission ASAP and request the PSC change its order to reject the Modified EMRP, address the city’s climate agenda and ensure that any rate increase is just and reasonable during these trying financial times. The Commission now has an opportunity to modify its order to better serve District electric utility consumers. Upon OPC’s review of the PSC’s order on reconsideration, which is expected to be issued this summer, if the Office determines that the Commission did not sufficiently address the legal errors, OPC can appeal the case to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. PDF available for DownloadPSC Grants Pepco $108.6 M Rate Increase Through 2023
PSC Order Granting Pepco a $108.6 Million
Rate Increase through 2023 is
Appalling and Harmful to Ratepayers
Washington, DC -- Earlier this afternoon, the DC Public Service Commission (PSC) approved both a $108.6 million increase to Pepco’s distribution rates and Pepco’s request to implement this increase through a multi-year rate plan. The PSC’s approval comes over the opposition of every active party in the case—OPC, the Federal Government, the District Government, the Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington, and the unions—and the opposition of hundreds of community members. The PSC’s action is both unprecedented and frustrating” says People’s Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye. “Never before has the Commission approved a rate increase that is over $100 million, granting 80% of what Pepco requested. The rates the PSC approved today are excessive and unsupported by the record and could not come at a worse time when so many of Pepco’s customers are continuing to suffer financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On its face, it does not appear that the PSC has accounted for consumers’ concerns or addressed the hardships that ratepayers are facing today.” “The approval of a three year multiyear rate program compounds the harm,” continued the People’s Counsel. “There was no support in the record for the multiyear rate plan, and the PSC’s approval locks District residents into funding Pepco based on a proposal that was designed to protect the company and its shareholders at the expense of customers.” As the utility regulator, the PSC’s decisions must be consistent with the law, reasoned, and based on evidence in the record. Based on the presentation at the Commission meeting, OPC has serious concerns that the PSC Order does not meet these standards. In the earlier phase of the proceeding, OPC advocated vigorously to ensure that ratepayers received their due process and that the Commission has a well-developed record on which to base its decision. OPC will continue these efforts in the next phase of the case. When the Order is released, OPC will be reviewing it carefully to ensure that any portion of the decision that is not consistent with the law, reasoned, and based on evidence in the record is brought to light and addressed in a reconsideration application. “Pepco’s customers deserve more than the company and the Commission’s callous disregard of customer interests,” said the People’s Counsel. “That is why OPC is in consumers’ corner.”DC Government Responding to COVID-19
COVID19 Advisory (American Sign)
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COVID19 Advisory (English)
OPC Encourages Residents to Take Advantage of NEW COVID-19 Rent and Utility Assistance Program While Funds Are Available!
Consumer Advisory
OPC Encourages Residents to Take Advantage of NEW COVID-19 Rent and Utility Assistance Program While Funds Are Available!
DC People’s Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye wants consumers struggling to pay rent or utility bills due to the pandemic to know they now have more resources to call on. The Office of the People's Counsel commends Mayor Muriel Bowser for launching "Stronger Together by Assisting You" (STAY DC), a program funded with $350 million in targeted COVID-19 relief from the federal government.
To qualify for STAY DC, you must be a renter or housing provider in the District who is at risk, or has a tenant at risk, of not paying rent or utilities on a residential dwelling, and meet income eligibility requirements here. Renters whose landlords do not participate in the program or who normally make payments directly to utilities may be able to have assistance go straight to their utility companies.
Renters and housing providers can apply for rental and electric, gas and water bill assistance at, Applicants can call the STAY DC Call Center at 833-4-STAYDC for support throughout their application process, Monday through Friday from 7 am to 7 pm.
“We know many consumers have been forced to make hard choices, often between food, medicine, paying the rent or utility bills and have fallen behind. STAY DC can help take the economic pressure off and give consumers a chance to catch up, but we must get residents to apply before the funding goes away,” stated People’s Counsel Mattavous-Frye.
See more details below.
PSC Response to COVID-19 Is Long Overdue
- Provide consumers with 45 days notice prior to disconnection of service. The notice can be sent once the Mayor lifts the public health emergency.
- requires Washington Gas Light to file a proposed arrearage management plan by April 19, 2021. An arrearage management plan is a debt relief program that allows consumers to make a set number of payments to the utility and have the balance of their arrearages written off.
- requires utility companies to offer 12-month payment plans to customers in arrears.
Pepco’s Customer Base Rate Credit to Expire This Week. Residential Bills to Go Up
Consumer Alert
Pepco's Customer Base Rate Credit to Expire This Week Residential Bills to Go Up
The Office of the People’s Counsel for the District of Columbia is alerting Pepco consumers that electric bills are going up as the Customer Base Rate Credit (CBRC) will expire this week.
The CBRC is a benefit OPC won for residential consumers as part of the Pepco-Exelon merger settlement. The CBRC has been used to offset rate increases in the distribution portion of residential bills for the last 5 years. The net savings to consumers over the 5-year period is $25.6 million. However, since credit funds have been exhausted, Pepco is adjusting customer bills to reflect an immediate increase. That means the average residential bill will increase about $1.37 a month in the upcoming billing cycle.
OPC recognizes that a higher electric bill can be a financial burden to households struggling from the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, since the start of the crisis, OPC has urged consumers to take advantage of relief programs and payment plans. Currently, the District's public health emergency declaration prohibits utilities from disconnecting service due to non-payment. Nonetheless, OPC encourages consumers to pay what they can now, find out if they are eligible for utility financial assistance programs, and sign up for bill payment plans, so their bills won't be out of control when the moratoriums are lifted.
To learn more about bill payment assistance, contact OPC at (202) 727-3071 or
DC PSC Denies OPC Request to Dismiss Pepco Rate Increase Case
PSC Rejects Request to Dismiss Pepco's Application for Huge Rate Hike, A Decision OPC Predicts Will Lead to Negative Impacts for Consumers Already Struggling During Pandemic
Washington, DC - The Office of the People's Counsel reports that the Public Service Commission yesterday issued an order denying OPC's motion to dismiss Pepco's request to increase rates by $135.9 million. The denial of OPC's motion, which was supported by all the non-utility parties in this case, and numerous community advocates, signals the potential for two dismal future outcomes - one, if the Commission approves a huge rate increase, it will be based upon a constantly changing evidentiary record and two, Pepco can have just about anything it wants, both outcomes to the detriment of DC ratepayers. "Time and again throughout this case, Pepco has expressed a callous disregard for the impact of its shocking rate increase request and the reality of the unprecedented economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumers. In reaching its decision, the Commission allows Pepco to continue its tactics and ratepayers pay the price," said People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye. "There is more than ample basis to dismiss Pepco's rate application and require the company to re-file its case. Instead of dismissing the case, the Commission is ordering OPC and the other parties to continue to address Pepco's fundamentally-flawed proposals on a shortened timeline. If rates are increased based on this record, consumers will not only be paying much higher rates,but I fear consumers will lose confidence in this Commission's ability to be an impartial regulator," the People's Counsel said. If one of Pepco's multiyear rate plans is approved as proposed, the average residential bill could go up by $103 in the first year of the rate plan. Despite the disappointing outcome of this decision, OPC will continue to advocate for consumers' rights to reasonable rates and for COVID-19 relief measures that are not tied to granting Pepco a huge rate increase. The PSC has scheduled a virtual community hearing on next Tuesday, September 29 at 2 p.m. Consumers who want to voice their opinion on this case can submit comments online here, or email: until the close of the hearing record. Reference: Formal Case No. 1156. You also can contact OPC at (202) 727-3071 or for more information or technical assistance with written testimony. Media Contact:Doxie McCoy Public Information Officer (202) 731-9152
OPC Calls Washington Gas Rate Hike Proposal Excessive & Lacking Key Support for DC Climate Action Goals
OPC warns consumers; “Don’t Believe the Rate Case Hype”
Consumer fact sheet
Myths and the Facts About Pepco’s Request To Implement A Multiyear Rate Plan And Increase Electric Distribution Rates (DC PSC Formal Case No. 1156)
On May 30, 2019, Pepco filed for a $162 million rate increase with the DC Public Service Commission requesting that the Commission abandon its current method for setting rates and instead authorize a multiyear rate plan (MRP) that would allow Pepco to set rates using forecasted costs to cover the Company’s costs for 2020, 2021 and 2022. OPC reviewed Pepco’s original plan and concluded that Pepco’s request, including its MRP, should not be approved as filed. The emergence of the COVID-19 emergency further exacerbated the deleterious impact Pepco’s plan would have on District ratepayers as they faced health issues and skyrocketing unemployment. OPC, AOBA, the District Government and GSA requested the PSC suspend the hearing during the emergency. The PSC denied the request but asked all parties to file comments detailing the impact of COVID-19 on their cases.
In response, Pepco unilaterally submitted a new MRP and reduced its request to $135.9 million. The new proposal, however, contains numerous provisions that parties to the case have not reviewed, nor would they have an opportunity to do so under the current procedural schedule. OPC and the other parties filed a Motion to Strike and Request for Summary Judgement to protect the public’s due process rights and ensure the public’s right to a transparent evidentiary record. The PSC denied our Motion but will entertain responsive testimony from the parties.
Rate cases are by definition complex. Pepco’s multi-year rate plan raises the level of complexity to exponential levels. This is not the time or case to circumvent the regulatory process and compromise adequate review by OPC and the parties. Reducing the inflated rate increase and delaying the impact of the increase, notably using ratepayer money, is by no means beneficial to ratepayers. A thorough analysis of Pepco’s new plan will protect the integrity of the regulatory process.
Myths and Facts of FC 1156:
Myth # 1: | Pepco’s reduction of its proposed rate request from $162 to $135 million and return on equity from 10.3 percent to 9.7 percent is reasonable. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco’s original request was over-inflated and higher than any rate increase ever approved by the Commission. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 2: | Pepco is proposing to freeze customer energy delivery rates until 2022. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco is not freezing rates. If the Pepco’s new MRP is approved, rates will go up by $135.9 million between 2020 and 2022. Pepco appears to be proposing to offset the rate increase in 2020 and 2021 by accelerating the return of certain funds Pepco owes its customers - customers will still pay for the rate increase, but with money owed to them that Pepco already has in its bank. • Pepco also plans to file for another rate increase in 2022. If Pepco’s new proposal is approved as submitted, in 2023, customers will be subject to the $135.9 million rate increase from this proposal and whatever rate increase comes out of the next proposal the Commission approves. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 3: | Pepco’s MRP needs to be approved to get the proposed customer protections. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco’s proposed customer assistance programs have no relation to an MRP. Regardless of how its rates are set, Pepco can and should work with stakeholders to implement customer assistance programs such as modifying arrearage management programs and extending payment plans beyond the 12-month schedule that Council legislation requires. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 4: | Pepco has not raised rates since 2014. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco’s rates have changed twice since 2014, but customer bills have been protected because OPC negotiated a customer base rate credit (CBRC) as part of the merger settlement. In 2017, due to OPC’s advocacy, the Commission approved less than half of Pepco’s requested $85.5 million rate increase. In 2018, Pepco requested a $66.2 million increase, but OPC negotiated a $24.1 million decrease in Pepco’s rates and an increase to the CBRC. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 5: | Pepco has drastically reduced its rate increase request in consideration of the COVID 19 pandemic impacts on the District. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco has revised its request several times over the course of the proceeding. It is currently requesting either a $147.2 (original proposal) or $135.9 million (June 1, 2020 proposal) rate increase.
Myth # 6: | Pepco’s June 1 proposal is merely an enhancement of its earlier proposal. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco’s June 1’s MRP is radically different than its earlier proposal. Ratepayers and the public have a right to investigate and comment on the utility’s applications in its entirety. PSC Order No. 20368 will permit OPC and the intervenors to submit additional testimony on the new filing. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 7: | 39 states have adopted a plan similar to Pepco’s. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Only 17 states have one or more utilities with an MRP, and none of those plans are like either of Pepco’s plans. •39 states, including the District, have adopted alternative ratemaking mechanisms, including various surcharges that help utilities recover revenue faster. For example, Pepco has benefited from the bill stabilization adjustment which allows Pepco to charge customers more if the Company does not collect its expected revenue. Pepco also has a surcharge mechanism to collect powerline undergrounding (DC PLUG) costs. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 8: | Pepco’s proposal supports the District’s environmental and climate objectives. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco has provided no evidence that its original or its amended plan will support these objectives. OPC and DOEE witnesses have found that the plan does not support a cleaner, smarter, sustainable environment or otherwise advance the District’s ambitious environmental and climate action goals. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 9: | Pepco is like other commercial businesses. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco is not like other commercial businesses – Pepco is a regulated company. The Company’s ratepayers pay all of the Company’s cost of providing service and its shareholders can earn a 9.5% return on their equity investments. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 10: | Pepco’s MRP provides long-term benefits to consumers. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco has not demonstrated any long-term benefits to consumers from its MRP. Short term benefits do not suffice. | ||||||||||||
Myth # 11: | Pepco’s philanthropic contributions are substantial. | ||||||||||||
Fact: | • Pepco’s charitable contributions have no bearing on the merits of this rate proceeding. | ||||||||||||
OPC will keep consumers up-to-date on this case. Contact OPC at (202) 727-3071 or for more information.
Water Services Division Progress Report Highlights OPC’s Success in Serving DC Water Consumers
- Addressed more than 450 consumer complaints
- Negotiated more than $45,000 in bill credits to consumers
- Prompted DC Water to increase transparency in its operations
- Worked on legislation giving low-income residents access to more bill payment assistance

Media Contact: Doxie McCoy Public Information Officer (202) 261-1180 dmccoy@opc-dc.govThe Office of the People’s Counsel Statement on George Floyd in Observance of the National Day of Mourning for Racial Reconciliation
OPC Observes National Day of Mourning for Racial Reconciliation
Statement on George Floyd OPC Observes National Day of Mourning for Racial Reconciliation
Washington, DC -- As memorial services begin in Minneapolis today for George Floyd, the Office of the People's Counsel for the District of Columbia joins the civil rights community in observing a National Day of Mourning and calling for racial justice. People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye makes the following statement.
"The mandate of the Office of the People's Counsel is to advocate for quality utility service and equitable treatment for the residents of the nation's capital at rates that are just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory. During the national crisis marked by the senseless death of Mr. Floyd in Minneapolis, we also insist that Washingtonians and all Americans are entitled to equitable treatment by police and must not be the victims of racial injustice or discrimination.
"Like Mayor Muriel Bowser and other District leaders, I believe in the right of the people to protest and speak out against police brutality and systemic racism. Peaceful demonstrations must not be overshadowed by the few acts of violence by those with other agendas. As an attorney, I also call for justice for Mr. Floyd's family as those allegedly responsible for his tragic death face charges.
"Moving forward, I wholeheartedly support the demands for police reform, racial reconciliation and substantive dialogue on how to create a world where people of color can live without fear.New OPC Study Reveals Solar Potential in DC Wards & Impact on Renewable Energy Goals
OPC Says New DC Council Relief Measures Will Help Utility Consumers Adjust to Higher Bills after COVID-19 Emergency
OPC Says New DC Council Relief Measures Will Help Utility Consumers Adjust to Higher Bills after COVID-19 Emergency
The Office of the People's Counsel welcomes DC Council passage of the Coronavirus Support Emergency Amendment Act of 2020 on May 19. The legislation that OPC helped to craft mandates payment plans to assist consumers with managing electric, gas, water, and telecommunications bills during the public health emergency and up to six months after it's lifted. Among the bill's provisions, utilities are required to offer payment plans extending for at least one year to eligible customers upon request; they are prohibited from reporting delinquencies to credit agencies; and cannot require a lump-sum payment under plans. *In addition, consumers may file a written complaint with OPC if they are denied a payment plan. [*An earlier alert stated that utilities must contact OPC if a consumer is denied a payment plan. However, notification is not a requirement.] "We thank Ward 5 Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie for his leadership, and the entire Council, for taking these steps to assist consumers who may not be able to afford their utility bills down the line," says People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye. Previous Council acts mandated moratoriums on disconnections; most utilities also decided to waive late fees and restore service despite arrears. OPC believes the latest action is a key element in assisting households who, as they stay at home, are using more energy and water for their well-being but at the same time are experiencing higher bills. During Mayor Muriel Bowser's stay-at-home order, OPC staff is teleworking and remotely responding to consumer complaints related to their water, electric, natural gas and local phone utilities. Consumers should contact (202) 727-3071 for help with a service or billing issue, or file a complaint @ Bowser Announces Days and Hours of Walk-Up Vaccination Sites
(WASHINGTON, DC) – Mayor Bowser is reminding residents that on Saturday, May 1, the District will transition from using a pre-registration system for vaccinations to the use of 11 walk-up, no appointment needed sites across DC. Currently, walk-up sites are open for DC residents 65 and older, with one site for residents of Wards 7 and 8 who are 18 and older. Beginning Saturday, May 1, the walk-up sites will be open to all DC residents 18 and older.
On Saturday, May 1, when Mayor Bowser is hosting a citywide Day of Action, 10 of the 11 walk-up sites will have special hours. Additionally, on Saturday, May 1, three of the walk-up sites will administer the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine; after Saturday, those three sites will use either the two-dose Pfizer vaccine or the two-dose Moderna vaccine. The schedule for May 1 as well as the normal operating schedule for May can be seen below. Saturday, May 1 will be the last day the Entertainment and Sports Arena is used as a vaccination site; after May 1, vaccinations will be at the RISE Demonstration Center which is also on the St. Elizabeths campus.
When residents go to a walk-up site for their first dose, they will make an appointment to receive their second dose. The walk-up sites should only be used for second doses if an individual has an appointment for a second dose at that site.
The walk-up sites will be in addition to the pharmacies, clinics, and health care providers that are also administering the vaccines citywide. These sites will operate their own scheduling systems, and residents who prefer to make an appointment instead of visiting a walk-up site are encouraged to make an appointment at a pharmacy, clinic, or health care provider. Residents can find information about available vaccines at Children’s National continues to serve as the vaccination site for DC residents who are 16 and 17 years old, and the Children’s National registration page can be accessed HERE.
Residents who are unable to leave home to get vaccinated can still call 1-855-363-0333 to make an appointment for a free at-home vaccination.
On Saturday, May 1, Mayor Bowser is hosting a Day of Action when volunteers will canvass neighborhoods and help residents make a plan to get their free COVID-19 vaccine. Community members interested in joining the effort and helping neighbors make a plan to get vaccinated should visit
St. Luke’s Catholic Church in Ward 7 is hosting Faith in the Vaccine clinics today, April 28, and tomorrow, April 29. Emory Fellowship United Methodist Church in Ward 4 is hosting a Faith in the Vaccine clinic on Friday, April 30 and Saturday, May 1. And Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque, will host Faith in the Vaccine clinics on Friday, May 7 and Saturday, May 8.
Later today, DC Health will release updated guidance around the use of masks, which will align the District’s guidance with the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
OPC Continues to Serve Consumers in Response to Covid-19 Health Emergency
The Office of the People's Counsel to
Continuing Providing Support for Utility
Consumers During Health Crisis
In response to the public health emergency created by the COVID-19 virus and to protect District ratepayers from the spread of the virus, effective Monday March 16th @ 9:00 AM, the Office of the People's Counsel will begin serving consumers remotely. Consumers seeking to address a utility consumer complaint may do so online at using OPC's consumer complaint form, or by calling our office at 202-727-3071. OPC Consumer Complaint Specialists will return your call within 24 hours. Persons who are unable to file online and seek to meet with a complaint specialist in-person must do so by calling (202) 727-3071 to arrange an appointment. On March 10, People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye sent a letter to each locally operating utility to ascertain how it will adjust their consumer service and payment policies during this health crisis. OPC urged the utilities to take action to facilitate the continued provision of essential utility service during this period. Pepco has indicated it has set a moratorium on the disconnection of electric service for all customers until May 1. In addition, the company will waive late fees during this period and extend special payment terms to consumers. DC Water will also suspend water service disconnections and waive late fees for customers during this crisis. Verizon has suspended disconnections to residential and small business consumers affected by disruptions caused by the Coronavirus for 60 days. OPC will forward information regarding Washington Gas Light's policies as they are developed. Media Contact: Doxie McCoy Public Information Officer (202) 261-1180 dmccoy@opc-dc.govPepco’s $81 Million Rate Increase and Proposed Multiyear Rate Plan Unfairly Burdens DC Utility Consumers
OPC will continue to educate consumers about the details of Pepco's proposal and OPC's position through outreach events in all parts of the city. If you want to express your concerns about Pepco's request to change the ratemaking process and increase rates, contact OPC at (202) 727-3071 or and we will inform you how to participate in the process.
Media Contact: Doxie McCoy Public Information Officer (202) 261-1180